Every year in the weeks before Christmas, members of my 'almost family' come to visit. They're the people who used to run the holiday camp I attended as a child. Back then they had three kids, now they have 11, and two of them have kids of their own now, too!
This year the Mum came, along with her two youngest and the daughter named after me. All three of them played the harp for me while they were here :-) The eldest child (who's 6 years younger than me) came as well, along with her own three kids.
It was so nice to see them all, and to hear how very well they're all doing :-)
The kids really enjoyed the board game I gave them: Labyrinth, a favourite from my time in Tahiti. |
The girls brought me these awesome Santa sleighs that they'd learned how to make at Girls Brigade |
Every year we also like to deliver small Christmas gifts to a few of the neighbours. Usually we put together little bags of assorted home-made biscuits and sweets. This year, to make things simpler, we'll be giving small Christmas cakes instead.
I had fun decorating each of them a bit differently. |
Stacked in a basket ready for delivering on the weekend :-) |