I haven't been blogging much recently: as all my energy's gone to spending time with some very special visitors then recovering from their visits!
Firstly, my brother and his family came over from Scotland. I hadn't seen Keith for three years, and I hadn't seen Carolyn or their children for 6 1/2 years!
On one of their first days here, Martin and I joined them for a swim. Here the adults are resting on the beach, with the kids still enjoying the water. |
Aidan and Megan got me started with learning to marble paper. |
Christmas Day at my parents' place. We've had that Christmas tree almost as long as I can remember! This year it had a theological theme, decorated with lights (symbolising Jesus as the light of the world), chains (the chains of sin that Jesus broke for us) and fruit (the good things Jesus brings). |
Again, Christmas Day at my parents' |
We got many lovely presents, but I think this lamp from Megan was my favourite. It's now high up in the corner of our room: I loves the stars it throws on the ceiling. Something about it means that my little tea-light oil lamps burn really cleanly in, too, which is nice :-) |
All of us together. |
A day or two after Christmas, we returned home.
The 'Hope Bears' Martin's Aunty Elspeth made us a few years back hanging in our bedroom. |
Our dressing table, decorated for Christmas with an advent wreath and Christmas tree. |
Our main tree in the living room. The lights are actual candles: the holders were given to my mum by my German great-aunt many, many years ago (my mum now has half and I have half). They take very slender candles that are tricky to find, so I've taken to making my own from old candle-ends :-) |
My mum's birthday is just after Christmas. She came to celebrate at our place, along with my brother and his family. |
Aidan made her these super-cool felted flowers. He showed me a bit of how he does it and, while I really like the effects he can create, I think it would be too physical for me to take up. |
Megan and Aidan presented me with this mirror: a memento of our trip to
the beach earlier in their holiday. It features a border of shells
they collected that day. I was super-touched - it makes me smile every
time I look at it :-) |
Overlapping with my brother's visit was a visit by Martin's Thai sister, Nok, and her husband, Nut. Nok was fostered/informally adopted by his family when Martin was 2 and she was 9. I'd never met her before and was really looking forward to it, although I was also a bit nervous about how we'd communicate as I'd heard her English was limited, and my Thai is non-existent! However, I needn't have worried. We managed to have fun together, learn a bit about each other's worlds and even talk about some quite big stuff, with occasional translation help from Martin and his parents :-)
Martin met pi-Nok and Nut at the airport and had a snack with them before they headed up to Whangarei to his parents house. |
A few days later, they came to stay with us in Auckland, along with Martin's parents. |
One day Martin's cousin, Andy, came to visit. Here he is getting Mum to help him demonstrate one aspect of Kiwi culture. |
pi-Nok was interested in our door-mat, which is made from strips of old T-shirts braided together. She wants to make one for herself sometime, so I had a go at showing her how to do it. |
I came to really love pi-Nok. I'm so pleased to have met her at last! |
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