Thursday, 19 October 2017

Wildness Chocolate

I recently heard about a really cool chocolate company - Wildness Chocolate.  I was really impressed by the founder, Marie Monmont, when she was interviewed on Nine to Noon on Radio NZ National.  Kathryn Ryan asked her what she looked for in her suppliers and she said:
  • number one: no child labour
  • number two: environmental sustainability
  • number three: quality
I pricked my ears up, as that's pretty much my priority order, too!

Some cool things I've been watching

I'm continuing to enjoy spending a lot of time watching the bear cam: it's such an amazing opportunity to be able to watch what's going on all the way over in Alaska in real time!

There aren't many salmon jumping any more and the bear numbers have definitely thinned out.  The bears that remain are super-fat: it's delightful to watch the way their bellies roll when they shake themselves!  However, I seem to be noticing more other species there now.   This morning I spent about half an hour watching this amazing bald eagle.

Just chilling.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Happy Birthday to me :-)

It was my birthday on Friday and both Martin's parents and my parents came over for dinner to celebrate.

sticky rice meal laid out ready to go
Sarah and Mummy

Daddy, Dad and Mum

