Here we are at the local train station, about to start our adventure.
Here we are at the local train station, about to start our adventure.
Today has been my 'sabbath' (something I usually take on a Monday), where I take the whole day to rest, relax and 'be'. My only 'have-to' on such days is generally to take a time of reflection, and ideally I also do something fun.
For reflection, today I took myself, my Bible (aka my phone with a Bible app) and my journal down to Oakley Creek. As well as reading and praying, I spent some time wandering around on the grass barefoot, noticing what was around me. There was a strong smell of onionweed and also, puzzlingly, a salty smell like the sea. I heard two kereru flying high overhead, various song birds I couldn't identify and, I think, a riroriro. I nibbled on the leaves of some kind of radishy weed. And here is some of what I saw.
A clump of some kind of mushrooms. I took a couple home to see if I could figure out what they were (and if they were edible!), but still have no idea what they are.